I hope you are keeping safe and well during these challenging times.
Following on from the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday 10 May, over the past few weeks preparations have been underway for colleges to prepare to begin some face-to-face contact with Year 10 and Year 12 pupils who have key exams next year, in support of continued remote, home learning.
Whilst we have been extremely successful in delivering teaching and learning online, along with the many other support and pastoral services, we recognise that for a small number of learners a face-to-face appointment will prove extremely valuable.
With this in mind, staff are identifying anyone in Year 10 and Year 12 who would benefit from this additional support and will be in contact with the individual learners after the Spring Bank holiday.
We do not anticipate delivering class sessions until next academic year. Any arrangements for the summer term will be for a small number of learners and key staff only. There will be significant safety measures in place along with a compulsory COVID-19 induction.
As you will appreciate, lots of things need to be in place before any learner could attend a personalised appointment at the College, including risk assessments, deep cleaning, hygiene and hand washing facilities, social distancing measures, one way systems around buildings, induction and guidance for staff and students along with many more considerations.
Tutors will be in contact with the relevant students in due course to explain everything, so please do not worry.
Our key priority as always is the safety and well-being of all students and staff as we move forward in this next phase.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Yiannis Koursis
Principal and CEO